Cis Elements Analysis

Search for Plant Cis-acting Regulatory DNA Elements

MEME will analyze your sequences for similarities among them and produce a description (motif) for each pattern it discovers.

Please enter the nucleotide sequence as FASTA formats (Max 20 sequences) and press submit button.

NOTE: Length of submitting sequence must be less than 4,356. Otherwise, you will get empty result.

If you use this data file in published research, please cite:
Higo, K., Y. Ugawa, M. Iwamoto and T. Korenaga (1999) Plant cis-acting
regulatory DNA elements (PLACE) database. Nucleic Acids Res. 27 (1): 297-300.

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Use this form to submit DNA or protein sequences to MEME. MEME will analyze your sequences for similarities among them and produce a description (motif) for each pattern it discovers.
Data Submission Form 1729226667
How do you think the occurrences of a single motif are distributed among the sequences?

MEME will find the optimum width of each motif within the limits you specify here:
Please enter the sequences which you believe share one or more motifs.
The sequences may contain no more than 60000 characters total total in any of a large number of formats.

Enter the name of a file containing the sequences here:
or the actual sequences here (Sample Protein Input Sequences):
You need at least two differents nucleotide sequences (name and sequence)!
MEME will find the optimum number of sites for each motif within the limits you specify here:
Minimum sites (>= 2)
Maximum sites (<= 600)
Perform discriminative motif discovery – Enter the name of a file containing negative sequences :
Select background Markov model Order:
Or enter the name of a file containing a background Markov model:
DNA-ONLY OPTIONS (Ignored for protein searches)